This... movie... was... awesome!!! I love Al Pacino and Robert Duvall, and I ended up liking all the other actors, so the acting was great. The plot was interesting, but easy to understand, so the plot was great. The words didn't sound robotic, so the script was great. This was one of the best movies I have ever seen. I haven't seen the sequel yet, but I've heard it's even better. I really didn't expect to understand this movie, but I understood it fine. It got 100% good reviews, and a lot of people reviewed it. The thing I like about the movie most is that it really shows what the mafia is like. You never knew if someone was a traitor or really on their side. It was kind of hard to find out what The Godfather was rated R for, but eventually, I found out it was for Violence/Gore, Language, Mature Themes, and brief Nudity. This movie was nice and actiony just how I like it. Great movie!!!
Look at the title of this movie. What do you think it was trying to be most? Well if you guessed, you're right. And it was. It was another Shia Labeouf movie, but I can't believe he looked young enough to play a teenager, because this movie is from 2007. The movie's about him getting under house arrest, and then looking from his window, into other people's. There's one man that he regularly spies on that he suspects of being a serial killer. It takes a long time for the movie to get actiony. This movie got 67% good reviews on rottentomatoes, by the way, I tried to become a member, but it said it couldn't process the information. The critics liked it, and so did I. Me and my dad liked applying the Hollywood rules to this one too. I'm a big Shia Labeouf fan, and this is one of his best movies. A few more scares and this would have been R. I looked on Kids In Mind and this movie got 6 for sex/ nudity, 6 for violence/gore, and 4 for language, although for the language, I think it should have been more for language because there were two obscene hand gestures, 5 sexual references, 16 scatological terms, 14 anatomical terms, and four mild obscenities. This movie had really good actors. That's it for now!
There are two more M. Night Shyamalan movies that I have seen.
The first one is The Village. Rating: PG 13
I saw this movie pretty recently and every thought I have about it uses the word pretty. I thought it was pretty good, pretty weird, pretty scary, and pretty not enough action. I know that last sentence didn't make sense, but that's my thought on it.
After seeing this one, I realized that M. Night Shyamalan likes using the same actors in his movies. He reuses Joaquin Phoenix from Signs, and he uses the lady from Lady in the Water. Bruce Willis is also in Lady in the Water...or maybe he's in Unbreakable. I don't remember, but you get the point. The end was a lot scarier than the beginning, which means in my opinion usually, that the end is better, and this case is usual. I give this movie a 7 and a half out of 10.
The last movie I saw was The Happening. Rating: R
I can describe this movie in only one word: Graphic!!! There was a part where a man set a lawn a mower on himself and you expect the camera to turn away but it doesn't. This movie got terrible reviews, because people said it was anti-evolution. I didn't really think so; I thought it was actually pretty good. It was nice and disturbing just how I like, and the end was so awesome. I'm not gonna give it away though. What I noticed in this one was that M. Night Shyamalan likes to put very little language and sex/nudity in his movies. This one really scared me because what if everyone started killing themselves.
These are the four M. Night Shyamalan movies that I have seen. Let me note that he is one of my favorite writers/directors.
Recently, I saw four of M. Night Shyamalan's movies.
The first one I saw was called The Sixth Sense. Rating: PG 13
This movie was awesome! It was SO creepy. The scariest part was when the kid saw the dead kid and a part of his head was missing. This is probably my favorite M. Night Shyamalan movie, because of how it draws you in. I could not take my eyes away from the screen. The surprise ending was kind of predictable, but it was still cool. M. Night Shyamalan makes every moment in this movie frightening, even the parts that weren't supposed to be scary. It was the perfect combination. Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment. This movie got 80% good reviews; I guess the critics agreed with me, except I probably would have given it better.
The next movie will be Signs. Rating: PG 13
This movie was still pretty good, although not as good as The Sixth Sense, it had some good scares and a decent script. I think Mel Gibson might have ruined a few scenes with his religious preachiness. (By the way, Joaquin Phoenix is a way better actor than Mel Gibson. The part where the dad goes into the little girl's room and then he sees the alien on the roof is freaky! Also when the alien walks through the ally at the birthday. I overall liked it. I really liked how you never really found out how the girl could kind of tell the future, and I'm not sure, but at the end when the alien was in their house, I thought I saw a picture of the girl on its back. Signs got 70% good reviews, so the critics still liked it. I thought M. Night Shyamalan had too big of a part in this movie. I think that instead of him playing Ray Reddy, he could have played the man that was mean to Merill in the store. Since I don't have very much time, I've decided to write about the other two M. Night Shyamalan movies I've seen in another post.
So a little while ago I saw a movie called Weekend at Bernie's. It was from 1989, so it is one of the first PG 13 movies. Speaking of which, yesterday I found out that the first PG 13 movie ever made was Red Dawn. This movie actually had some really funny moments and kept me entertained, so I really liked it. My brother and mom both liked it too. It had kind of an odd plot, but that just made it more funny.
By the way, does not tell you the ratings of older movies, so it was very hard to find the rating of this movie. But I still do recommend that site.
Wait... I'm just getting word from one of my associates that Weekend at Bernie's got 50% good reviews. So the critics did not like it as much as me, but it was still a great movie.
It's one of the only old movie that's really funny that I've seen. I definitely recommend it.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've kind of forgotten. Anyway, not posting for a long time gives me a lot to write about. The first movie that I'm going to talk about that I saw recently is called Ice Spiders. It was about giant spiders that escaped from a lab and killed people. If you're wondering about the TV rating, it's because it was a sci-fi channel original movie-although it did have a movie rating too. Strangely, it was R, and are movies are usually TV MA not TV 14. Anyway, back to the plot. The catch is that the spiders can survive in the cold, which is where they've escaped. Hence the name "Ice Spiders." All reviews I can find say that the movie was terrible. Frankly, I pretty much agree. Maybe I don't think it was the most terrible movie in the world like some sources say, but it definitely wasn't good. No. Not good. Me and my dad were having a good time guessing what was going to happen by the "Hollywood Rules." There was one teenager that I really liked because when everyone was stuck in the lodge, he was all like, " This is so totally extreme. Radical man." I looked on Rotten Tomatoes and this movie got 100% good reviews! Of course, it only got one review... Anyway is was kind of fun to watch. See you next time!
I am going to talk about the movie Charlie Bartlett. Rating:R (Warning! This contains spoilers!)
I saw this movie recently and these are my thoughts on it: The movie, great. The plot, kind of depressing. When I say the plot I mean the main plot. There are some smaller plots earlier in the movie, but they solve quickly and in my opinion, that makes the movie more enjoyable. The movie is very enjoyable as it is, but if you think about it, the genre of this movie is fantasy! To sell prescription drugs to teenagers and expect them to use them responsibly is an unreal thought. In fact, one of the mini-plots includes someone overdosing. I personally love Robert Downey Junior, so I'm glad he was in this movie. The main plot includes him losing his job and being sad and drunk. The movie did well in the box office, and got 55% good reviews on, so it wasn't the best movie ever, but in my opinion, it was very nice to watch. I think the title was a very good choice, because if it was called something like "The Drug Dealer" people would think it would be a "French Connection" kind of movie, and if you call it something like, "The Kid Psychiatrist" then people would think it would be a movie version of one of those cheesy books made for eight and nine-year-olds. I thought it was a really funny movie. I especially like this piece of dialogue: Some guy Charlie is helping: I can't handle this place. Charlie: Well duh dude this place sucks. I would definantly reccomend this movie. If they could fit Adam Sandler in that movie somewhere it would be absolutely perfect. That's all!
Although this movie got 34% good reviews, I thought it was excellent, my family thought is was excellent, and all my friends who saw it thought it was excellent. I don't understand how you couldn't like it. It had everything. Good actors, a good script, some great laughs, and it even taught me how to play blackjack. I don't know how to card count, and the one thing I didn't really like about this movie was that they didn't make it very clear what their system was. I thought it was the perfect length, and the movie was well paced. I would definitely recommend this movie. The thing that would really top it off would be to make a sequel to this movie called 22! I thought Jim Sturgess did a great job acting, and I thought he was the perfect actor for the college kid who's a nerd and then gets cool. As I said, I still can't card count, and I don't get the split-hand rule in blackjack, but I thought 21 was a great movie with some great laughs and a great plot!
I saw this movie yesterday. I think it would have been more fun to see with a friend. I had been wanting to see it for a while, and I have heard so many reviews that said the plot was "Preposterous." When I saw the movie I didn't think it was preposterous, more ridiculous. I liked the movie, especially the beginning, but I kind of thought that it was a let down finding out that it was a computer calling them. This movie did absolutely fantastic in the box office, but got terrible reviews about 28%, being of course, because the plot was preposterous. To prove my point, my favorite parts were the very beginning and the very end. I also liked when that guy blew up. At the end, I thought Jerry was gonna die when he got shot. IT seemed like that kind of movie, but I guess I was wrong. I really admired every one's performance, especially Shia Labeouf, and if you can answer this question, please put it in the comments section: Does he do his own stunts? This seemed like a very popular movie. A lot of my friends saw it and they all liked it. That's it!
I am now going to talk about the hit movie, The Omen and it's sequels.
(Warning! These contain spoilers.)
The original movie, The Omen was made in 1976. a remake was made of it in 2006. I have seen both the original and the remake, and it seems like the original was better, but the remake was scarier.
The story is that a boy named Damien is born of a jackal and a man and woman adopt him not knowing that he's actually the Antichrist
The original got great reviews, and the remake got terrible reviews. The sequels to The Omen original got terrible reviews too. There are no sequels to the remake.
In the The Omen, Damien is a toddler. In the sequel,(1978) he is a teenager. In the next sequel,(1981) he is an adult and finally gets conquered. There is a fourth one made in 1991, and it is about Damien's daughter. I'm not going to give away the ending, but I'll tell you that I didn't really like it.
The Omen was one of the first of its kind. Others like it were movies like The Exorcist, and Rosemary's Baby.
Now that I have told you about some movies that are famous or recent, I am going to start talking about movies I have seen.
I am first going to talk about some 2008 horror movies starting with One Missed Call! Rating:R (Warning! These contain spoilers) So everyone has been saying that this movie is really creepy, and I believe them! I didn't see the movie personally bu with a title like that, that movies gotta be pretty scary! It seems like the preview gives away too much because you see the guy with the creepy face holding the cellphone. I'm not talking about the cover, I mean in the middle of the preview when you see the guy with the purple face. It's pretty obvious that he's the one behind everything. The movie didn't look too bad to me, but I looked on and the top critics gave it 0% good reviews. It seems like more kids liked it than adults.
"That movie was freakin freaky,"- Jon Langlois (age 10)
Next we have Untraceable! Rating:R
I know know body at all who saw this movie at all! I'm not sure if it was that popular. When I saw the very first part of the trailer I thought this movie was gonna be like Bones. Boy I was wrong. And I was absolutely sure of that when I saw the end of the preview when the hooded guy just appears in the back seat of that FBI lady's car! Although it did kick One Missed Call's a*s, it also did very poorly getting less than two stars and under 20% good reviews. Sadly, one of the best reviews it got was, "It was a very enjoyable movie-for those who don't like plots.
Third, we have one of my personal favorites: The Strangers. Rating:R
I did personally see this movie, and I can tell you that there were people screaming in that theater, I just shielded my eyes sometimes. The scariest part of that movie was when Kristen opened the blind and the guy was looking right at her. The first preview I saw for this movie was actually the 2007 preview, (because that was when it was supposed to come out, and you can't really tell what the movie is about in that, but I was very drawn to it so I went to and saw the 2008 preview and it was freaky! There is a link to it below. The top critics gave The Strangers 50% good reviews and it did very well in the box office. And the best part is...I heard they're making a sequel! The masked villains will return!
Next is Quarantine! Rating:R
So Quarantine is so most to seem like the movie was filmed by the cameraman filming the reporter, Angela Bydel. They have to go into the building with the infected people who bite! And then when they are inside the police quarantine the building! Now they are trapped in the dark with the biting people. The tagline for this movie is, "On March 11, 2008, the government sealed off an apartment complex in Los Angeles. The residents were never seen again. No details. No witnesses. No evidence. Until now." The tagline kind of gives away that no one escaped and that the evidence was on the videotapes, but it still looks like a fun movie, and to prove my point I can tell you that the top critics on gave this movie 70% good reviews.
Our last 2008 horror will be Saw 5! Rating:R
This movie has not quite come out yet, so I can't tell you the reviews, but let me predict them: bad. The saw movies have been getting worse and worse. I haven't seen them personally but I've seen reviews. I admit that Jigsaw's mask is pretty creepy (and what's with him dying in saw 3) but even if this movie does do great in the box office, it will probably be remembered as a bad movie. I really don't get the preview where you see some guy's face and then he starts screaming.
So these are just five of the many horror movies made in 2008. In the future I will have different movies of different genres from different years. I would also like to add that if you have any questions about movies you can right them in the comments section. Hope you like my blog!
Hi! I'm Nathaniel Gabor! I live in Amherst, Massachusetts with my parents, my brother and sister who are twins ( being both 14). I myself am ten years old. I play lots of instruments and sports. I have a new obsession with movies that I would like to share with you. Have fun looking!