Sunday, November 30, 2008

Weekend at Bernie's. Rating: PG 13

So a little while ago I saw a movie called Weekend at Bernie's. It was from 1989, so it is one of the first PG 13 movies. Speaking of which, yesterday I found out that the first PG 13 movie ever made was Red Dawn. This movie actually had some really funny moments and kept me entertained, so I really liked it. My brother and mom both liked it too. It had kind of an odd plot, but that just made it more funny.

By the way, does not tell you the ratings of older movies, so it was very hard to find the rating of this movie. But I still do recommend that site.

Wait... I'm just getting word from one of my associates that Weekend at Bernie's got 50% good reviews. So the critics did not like it as much as me, but it was still a great movie.

It's one of the only old movie that's really funny that I've seen. I definitely recommend it.

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