Recently, I saw four of M. Night Shyamalan's movies.
The first one I saw was called The Sixth Sense. Rating: PG 13
This movie was awesome! It was SO creepy. The scariest part was when the kid saw the dead kid and a part of his head was missing. This is probably my favorite M. Night Shyamalan movie, because of how it draws you in. I could not take my eyes away from the screen. The surprise ending was kind of predictable, but it was still cool.
M. Night Shyamalan makes every moment in this movie frightening, even the parts that weren't supposed to be scary. It was the perfect combination. Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment.
This movie got 80% good reviews; I guess the critics agreed with me, except I probably would have given it better.
The next movie will be Signs. Rating: PG 13
This movie was still pretty good, although not as good as The Sixth Sense, it had some good scares and a decent script. I think Mel Gibson might have ruined a few scenes with his religious preachiness. (By the way, Joaquin Phoenix is a way better actor than Mel Gibson.
The part where the dad goes into the little girl's room and then he sees the alien on the roof is freaky! Also when the alien walks through the ally at the birthday.
I overall liked it. I really liked how you never really found out how the girl could kind of tell the future, and I'm not sure, but at the end when the alien was in their house, I thought I saw a picture of the girl on its back.
Signs got 70% good reviews, so the critics still liked it. I thought M. Night Shyamalan had too big of a part in this movie. I think that instead of him playing Ray Reddy, he could have played the man that was mean to Merill in the store.
Since I don't have very much time, I've decided to write about the other two M. Night Shyamalan movies I've seen in another post.