A while ago, I saw a movie called the international. It was the first R rated movie that I saw in theaters. It had two actors that I like, Naomi Watts and Clive Owen. It was an action movie, about a bank that liked to kill people. I'm serious, there wasn't a great structured plot, but the acting and action was really good, and overall I liked it. Rotten Tomatoes gave it 52% good reviews, saying that it was pretty good, but the plot was kind of preposterous. My favorite scene is when they are in the museum, and everybody starts shooting at each other. It was graphic bloody violence, shown in a cool subtle way. I still think Clive Owen should be the next James Bond. I think he could out-do Lazenby and Brosnan. This movie was not that popular on DVD, but it did pretty well in the box office, and I really wanted to see it ever since I saw a preview for it.