I haven't posted in a while, so I can't remember all the movies that I've seen. I'll talk about the unforgettable ones though, and that doesn't necessarily mean that they're good.
The first one is Boogeyman, a movie about a man who goes back to his childhood home because he suspects that the Boogeyman lives there, and he can't take the curiosity. It is from 2005, and is a horror movie. I personally, thought it was pretty good. The critics did not feel the same way, but I don't always agree with them. It had some pretty effective scares, and fine acting.
One thing that I have never seen in a horror movie before, that they did in this, was that sometimes when the guy was about to open a door and you knew something was gonna jump out, they tilted the camera a little bit so it looked diagonal. This helped make it scarier for some reason. I do admit that it was kind of ridiculous, but still fun and exciting.
This was the first really scary movie I saw by myself. I was browsing On Demand, and my mom wasn't home. I saw this, and remembered seeing previews for it when I was little. I called my mom to ask her if I could see it, and since it was PG-13, she said yes.
Boogeyman got 13% good reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, but I would have given it 70%. I don't know why the picture is like that. That's not what it looked like when I put it in.